About Us

Mission Statement
"Our mission is to empower, educate and inspire as many people as possible to live their best life!"
Wellness is the complete integration of body, mind & spirit. The realization that everything we do, think, feel & believe has an effect on our state of well being.
G. Anderson
Dr. Donnovan Jackson, Owner, is a Public Health practitioner with more than 32 years of experience within the US Army and civilian sectors. His experiences are Public Health College Professor, Environmental Science Instructor, Community Health Instructor, Occupational Health Manager, Industrial Hygiene Technician; and a proven ability to develop and teach Public, Community and Environmental health related courses. This lifetime endeavor to promote Public Health is the motivation behind the development of Purple Leef.
Mrs. Deidre Jackson, Owner, believes & is passionate that healthy habits and choices contribute to a better mind, body, spirit connection. Our products may be very helpful and beneficial to you and your family pets.